Thursday, November 13, 2008

Essay 2 Outline

I.The English Government, as our founders, have the right to instate any government that they so choose.
--A."And it is hereby further enacted, That the said assistants or counsellors, so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall hold their offices respectively, for and during the pleasure of his Majesty, his heirs or successors;" (
----1. Who are we to say that the great country that brought us to the Americas cannot set up any government that they so please, and why should we fight with it? We are but lowly colonists, and our government is led by their great government, Parliament, and the King of us all.

II.Under English rule, we have had a steadiness in our economy that is not seen in many others other than Maryland.
--A."We cannot as yet measure farm income in early New England,but we can measure the value of farmers' material goods, and from the evidence so far collected, that value did not decline." (The Standard of Living in Colonial Massachusetts)
----1. Though we may not have seen amazing economic growth for the farming settlers in Massachusetts, the value of their goods and possessions did not go down, or at least did not drop tremendously at any point. Under the rule of the King, the farmers have had the same rough income for over 100 years.

III. American Patriots made it to seem that if you were not on their side, you were on the side of England, and a fool for it.
--A. "the wayfaring American though a fool[,] could not err in reading, in very crimson letters painted on the air in front of him, the tidings of the arrival of a race-crisis altogether transcending those ordinary political altercations which had from time to time disturbed, and likewise quickened and clarified, the minds of his British ancestors." (The Party of the Loyalists in the American Revolution)
----1. The Patriots would tar and feather their fellow colonists, turning the colonies against each other and forcing the conservative writers of the time to stay quiet about their views out of fear.
------a. " so many of the ablest conservative writers refrained, in that stage of affairs, from engaging very actively in the discussion." (The Party of the Loyalists in the American Revolution)
--------1. This is an example quote that I could use for the statement I take that conservative writers stayed quiet. I may not even need to put it in, but A hyperlink to find it.

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