Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Declaration of American Rights Facilitator Prep

--Who is writing?
First Continental Congress
--Who is the audience?
England but also, it is a declaration to all people of what they stand for and will no let happen
--Who do the writers represent?
The writers represent the American Colonists
--What is being said, argued and/or requested?
All of the resolves listed is what is being said. This basically includes the rights of the Colonists as well as not being able to be tried in England for a crime in America.
--How is it being said, argued and/or requested?
It is being said in a very commanding tone. We WILL NOT stand or the things that England is trying to make us do!”
--What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?
The proof that they use is the proof that, once again, it is unconstitutional for these things to happen. (they seem to use that argument a lot)

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