Thursday, October 30, 2008


-----Based on my accrued knowledge, the American Revolution was over before the fighting began. Adams said,"The Revolution was in the minds of the people". The people changed, and so the war was just the reaction to this change. The Stamp Act was just the event that pushed the colonists over the edge. It was not the thought of being taxed, but the thought that Britain could tax them without them even having a say or a voice in being taxed. The early Americans recognized that in order for them to be free, decisions could not be made for them. They would have to make them and the repercussions of some of their actions was a war. The colonists did not want a war, nor did they think that one would come upon them. It just happened.
-----Most people outside of America did not even know what the Stamp Act was. Only America was upset with this prospect, and the unheard of reaction of violence that followed was astonishing to the British Parliament. Though the Act was repealed, it had to be one of the stupidest moves the British ever made, to make the colonists feel so shunned by them that they could tax them as if they were slaves of women. In essence, this was just a huge cultural misunderstanding. Britain did not understand that this would mean so much to the colonists and did not realize how much damage the shunning by their aristocracy was causing to the wealthy of the Americas. No matter how much the American wealthy tried to act like a true British citizen, they always missed something. It was this critical eye of the British that would push the Americans over the edge into a revolution of their minds and hearts, making a war imminent for the two countries.

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