Monday, October 27, 2008

Text Analysis Facilitator Prep Sheet

--Who is writing?

The Virginia House of Burgesses

--Who is the audience?

“The honourable the Knights, Citizens, and the Burgesses of Great Britain”-- the House of Commons

--Who do the writers represent?

The writers represent the reasons and positions of the colonists, In other words, the writer represents the interests of the people.

--What is being said, argued and-or requested?

What is being said is that the House of Commons is that the stamp costs that Parliament would like to raise is not going to happen, and that the people’s interests should not be inferred by their silence over the matter. “Our word is the word of the people as a hole, even though they are not saying it.”

--How is it being said, argued and/or requested?

It is being said with decent firmness and in a respectful manner.

--What proof and/or justification is being used to legitimize the request?

“It is essential to British liberty that laws imposing taxes on the people ought not to be made without the consent of representatives chosen by themselves.” The proof being given is that without the say of the people, the Parliament should not be able to impose taxes on them. This is a very legitimate argument. Also, they say that their way of voting was recognized by the King and confirmed by his Majesty.

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